Monday 11 April 2016

Walmart Caught In Fire Of Mistreating Worker Again

Walmart is the center of criticism once again when it comes to its workers, as it fired an employee for giving free hugs.
Walmart has received criticism in the past for mistreating its employees, from giving them less wages to no holidays. This recent headline takes issues to a completely new level, when the US retailer decided to fire a mentally challenged employee who was hugging the customers free.
Walmart Stores former employee, Frank Swanson was fired this Saturday, partially for hugging the customer, the retailer says that was not the reason it decided to fire this particular employee. The free hugging act ended on Saturday just when Frank was about to reach the celebration of his 20th anniversary of working at the retail store. It started in November, which Frank believed was a nice manner of thanking the customer for doing business with the store.
The 52 year of age former worker was asked by the manager of the store to come at his office, informing him that these hugs were not a nice gesture but was being considered inappropriate. After this, Frank received the news of being fired for breaking the policies of Walmart Wholesale, which was not just because of the hugs but also for price. He discounted a jug of tea at the store by $0.50.
The policy of Walmart clearly states that the cashiers can only give discounts on items if any of the competitors in the area are selling those specific items at a cheaper rate. The retail chain failed to consider that Frank was mentally challenged and even had an accident when he was younger which led to him being partially paralyzed from his right side. He even admitted his fault and said that he did not follow the policy every time.
Walmart Stores Inc. says that it did not let the employee go due to the hugs or even the discounts; it claimed that letting workers go is not easy. It further added that Frank was not doing his job well; hence, he was fired. Since he was the cashier, his job was to make sure customers pay for the items before they left the store, which was not happening. Frank did not agree to this statement of the company and rejected the company’s claims, which was not the case.
Frank’s brother said that the former worker is a very selfless human being. Being polite is not a crime and should not be punished as such, which is making many people angry who are now rallying behind Frank. The former Walmart worker has managed to get many supporters who are now planning to protest outside the store at West Plains, showing their disagreement with the retailer’s decision.
The former Walmart worker is shocked at the support received by him. He considers himself special since it is coming from strangers. He even said that he has moved on from the blow given by Walmart and now, interviewing for other possible jobs.

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